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Conscious Parenting Workshop:
Eliminating Triggers and Enhancing Communication

For Parents of Children of All Ages

It's Free to Attend!

Join us in helping youth claim their mastery.

The next generation of ascended masters is made up of children who possess amazing innate spiritual abilities. They are relying on us to help them master their multidimensional abilities as they step out into the world.

Through Young Ascended Masters, Kaylaa Kayce orchestrates a creative space for spiritually-gifted and spiritually-curious youth to master their multidimensional abilities as they navigate a 3rd dimensional world, while preparing the 3rd dimensional world for their mastery.

Kaylaa empowers this next generation to approach their abilities with curiosity, explore a variety of metaphysical topics with the support of peers going through similar physical and non-physical experience, all the while guiding parents and educators on how to best support this generation in claiming their mastery. 

"I had usually always been uncomfortable in group settings, especially when I wasn’t confident sharing my personal experiences or spirituality. But when I met Kaylaa, I instantly knew she was a kind and compassionate teacher. She taught me how to become more open without pushing me too far from my comfort zone, in addition to making me feel included and part of the group. I noticed after attending a couple meetings, I felt more understood. I felt that my peers, and Kaylaa, at the sessions appreciated each other, and welcomed each other’s special gifts. Kaylaa always has your best interests at heart, and knows how to teach you to embrace your spiritual talents!"

--- C. from California, Female, Age 13

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Young Ascended Masters

Who Are They?

These are high-vibrational, spiritually sensitive, and intuitive youth.

  • Multidimensional children who possess amazing innate spiritual abilities. Many already have a sense of their mission and purpose. They arrive on this planet with fewer buffering veils of ‘forgetfulness', making it easier to remember their connection to Source and embody their Divinity

  • These are souls who volunteered to put on their 'human suit' and experience our Human Collective during one the most transformational periods of this planet's history. Their perceptions of our 3rd dimensional planet and its limitations are vastly different from our own. They offer us a new perspective on how we can perceive our own human potential. 

  • They already have immediate access to multidimensional resources that has taken us years to attain. They maintain a fast speed of vibration, making such things as time travel, channeling, and Akashic access immediate. There is no need to decipher between dimensions to utilize information.  

  • They face many challenges as a result of being so connected to other dimensions. For example, receiving channeled messages, being highly empathic/telepathic, or seeing time/space energy warps can be unwelcomed experiences in their everyday physical reality.   

  • We refer to these waves of arriving children by many names: like Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow, or Hybrid. As a group, we often call them StarSeeds.  

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Kaylaa Kayce facilitates remote gatherings with spiritually-awakening and intuitive youth  around the globe who come together to share experiences and hone their special gifts. Incorporating her knowledge and understanding of emotional development, brain-based learning, meditation, and spirituality, Kaylaa mentors children and parents in the movement to higher consciousness. 

Kaylaa has a Master’s Degree in Education and is a licensed Intervention Specialist. For 15 years she has worked as a teacher counselor of children with severe emotional and behavioral disabilities.

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Brooklin Rayne
Intuitive Channel, Quantum Healer and Heart Oracle

There are few people I have met in this lifetime that possess the wide range of wisdom, gifts, and heart space that Kaylaa Kayce embodies. Her heart radiates a type of love that nourishes the soul of everyone she connects with. I have had the honor of witnessing her create positive shifts in the lives of people of all ages, Self included.  

Kaylaa’s ability to hold a pristine space of love, laughter, and compassion allows for the children and adults that she works with to not only recognize their highest potential, but to live it.

She is a Divine gift to this world, and I am ever grateful to have her as a colleague and friend. 

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Mary Rodwell
Founder of ACERN, Author, Counsellor and Regression Specialist

 It is my privilege to write a testimonial on Kaylaa Kayce’s work with the new generations of human and this exciting venture to support them.  I have known Kaylaa both professionally and personally for a number of years.  Kaylaa has shown absolute love and dedication in the role of supportive mentor, offering advice and encouragement to these intuitively gifted children as she embraces their experiences unconditionally.   

I also had the pleasure be invited to share at Kaylaa’s remote online youth sessions. It was so heartening to see how the children and young adults appreciated Kaylaa and the validation of their experiences as they are encouraged to be all they are meant to be.   Many can struggle with the challenges of being human, feeling misunderstood because they may feel too different to their peers. A feeling of isolation and deep need to find others to connect with who really understands them can be life changing. Kaylaa’s support of the new generations of multidimensionally aware human children is a vital role. As these generations reach their full potential, they will be instrumental in assisting humanity in its leap forward to this higher consciousness.  To support them to adulthood will be crucial if we are to have a brighter more loving compassionate and aware humanity. Young Ascended Masters is a vital step to this goal. 

Author of 'Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Transform Your Life' & 'The New Human: Awakening to Our Cosmic Heritage'

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