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Virtual Community Gatherings

For Youth and Parents 

Young Ascended Masters offers group support and spiritual development opportunities for highly sensitive and intuitive youth in a welcoming and accepting environment with others just like themselves.  

Empowering youth to approach their abilities with playful curiosity, Kaylaa invites them to explore a variety of metaphysical topics with the guidance of mentors and the support of peers going through similar physical and non-physical experiences. To assist them in navigating through daily life as a sensitive and empathic individual in our hectic world, important topics for discussion range from understanding how their thoughts and beliefs shape their everyday reality to learning various tools and strategies to help maintain a balanced energy field while interacting with others.   

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There is no need to walk alone any longer.
It’s time to find your tribe!

Hosting virtual community gatherings, Kaylaa Kayce orchestrates a creative and safe space for both youth and parents.  

Our Young Ascended Masters youth program is designed to address the evolving developmental and spiritual needs of a child as they mature into young adulthood.

We currently offer two groups delineated by age: our Children’s Gathering for ages 8-12, and our Teen Gathering for ages 13-18. Many of the children we serve demonstrate a spiritual maturity and depth well beyond their years. It is clear that the issues and concerns and life experiences of high school teenagers are vastly different from those even 1-2 years younger.

Equally important to meeting each individual child where they are, it is my foundational and unwavering mission to create community and opportunity for them to experience the love, acceptance, and appreciation of oneself and each other’s unique divinity. Threefore, once a month, when we welcome and feature our guest teacher, both groups are joined together as we create yet another community, uniting in our diversity of both age and experience.

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Monthly themes and topics will be the same between the groups, however the delivery, use of time, and methods for engagement will be developmentally appropriate.  

In addition to the opportunity to come together three times a month, a live 90-minute bonus workshop will provide youth with the opportunity for hands on learning and application of new and existing skills and abilities. 

Today’s highly-vibrational children certainly possess amazing multidimensional abilities and often express the wisdom of an old soul, however it’s important to remember that they came to this planet to learn how to be human as well. It will be our role as the adults in their lives to teach, guide, and support them as they pass through the various stages of emotional and psychological development that comes with being a human.

Today’s highly-vibrational children certainly possess amazing multidimensional abilities and often express the wisdom of an old soul, however it’s important to remember that they came to this planet to learn how to be human as well. It will be our role as the adults in their lives to teach, guide, and support them as they pass through the various stages of emotional and psychological development that comes with being a human.

Youth Plan

Young Masters Membership Includes...

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Three live online interactive group gatherings per month

  • Two gatherings with peers in own age range, hosted by Kaylaa Kayce

  • One gathering featuring guest teacher (combined groups, ages 8-18) 


Access to library of video and audio recordings of all previous youth gatherings in downloadable mp3 format


One monthly guided meditation for youth in downloadable mp3 format 


  • Monthly Live Hands-On Workshop - 90 Minutes - Ages 8-18
    Opportunity to practice and apply new skills and abilities


The Gathering Place

For parents with children of any age 

Being a parent has to be one of the most challenging soul paths one could choose to undertake while embodied on this planet. And with the arrival of today’s highly spiritually evolved children, following that old, reliable, how-to-raise-your-child map and its directions for traversing that trail no longer works.  


We’ve shifted into new 5th-Dimensional paradigm of parenting. It requires us to fully embrace the idea that we don’t own our children. It requires us to become co-creators together with them… that we teach and learn from each other. 


But what does that really mean? What does that look like within the day-to-day responsibilities and activities of raising your family? It’s likely appears to be repetitious cycle of trial-and-error. Unfortunately, when surrounded by family and friends who have yet to make that shift in consciousness necessary to perceive your spiritually gifted child as you do, it can feel as if you are alone on an island.  

Parents, you aren’t alone... your tribe awaits you! 


Join us at “The Gathering Place” and meet other like-minded and soul-inspired parents who have also embarked on the journey of raising today’s spiritually gifted children. 

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If you are parenting a child (of any age) and just need a little reassurance that you are doing all you can to nurture the further development of their abilities. 


If you are struggling with the challenges that naturally come with parenting a gifted child and want additional resources to help meet those challenges. 



 If you are looking for a safe/supportive space to just 'let your hair down' and talk some 'real talk' about your experiences without fear of judgement or criticism. 



If you want to gift yourself with some "ME-time" and participate in authentic, spiritually grounded conversation intended to affirm who you are.



You are a magnificently Divine human being whose soul has chosen to walk this parenting path with your equally magnificent Divine child.

In addition to the opportunity to come together twice a month for support, discussion, and co-creation, parents can continue building community via the following platforms: a private Signal group and a private Facebook group. Receiving support and sharing your own wisdom with others is your divine birthright and we are honored to provide the space to do so. Those who join are welcome to continue participating in these groups beyond the conclusion of their membership.

Parent Plan

Ascending Parent Membership Includes...

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Access to The Gathering Place - An interactive online community where parents meet monthly to receive information, engage in supportive interactive discussion and share experiences. Includes a guided meditation/activation facilitated by Kaylaa Kayce!


Indefinite access to private Facebook group for parents 


Indefinite access to Signal group for parents 


Access to library of video and audio recordings of all previous parent meetings  


One monthly guided meditation for parents/adults in downloadable mp3 format

Gatherings are held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month from 7pm-9pm EDT.

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Ascending Family Membership Includes...

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Everything in the Young Masters Membership


Everything in the Ascending Parent Membership


BONUS guided meditation for joint listening by parent and child in downloadable mp3 format

BONUS access to full library recordings of meditations and activations


20% discount on live classes/courses or webinars offered during membership period! Not applicable to mentorship program or private sessions.

Family Plan
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