Introduction to Remote Viewing | Adults
Service Description
What is Remote Viewing? It is a demonstrated ability to describe a target (person, place, event, object) while guaranteed blind to the target (regardless of target’s location in space/time). It is a process in which we open our mind to receive information around us. However, to do so requires a willingness to unlearn everything we’ve been taught since birth. In this experiential, introductory course, you will: Learn an overview of RV protocols and process; learn ways to clear your mind to receive viewed information; have multiple opportunities to target an object during, and between, each session; receive immediate feedback of your innate intuitive ability to perceive; learn how to create blind targets for future practice on your own. While it takes years to become a proficient remote viewer, at the end of these two weeks you will walk away a ‘curious beginner’. ============================================================== 1st CLASS – Learn what remote viewing IS and what it IS NOT. Learn an overview of RV protocols and process, ways to clear your mind to receive viewed information. Experience multiple opportunities to target an object and receive immediate feedback of your innate intuitive ability to perceive it. IN-BETWEEN CLASSES – (Optional practice) Participants will be sent (2) remote targets to view during the week. Targets will be revealed at the start of the 2nd class session. 2nd CLASS – Practice targets will be revealed, with opportunity to share results and experiences of process. Learn various ways RV has been used by researchers/governments. Experience additional opportunities to target an object. Receive instructions on how to create ‘blind practice targets’ for yourself to engage in future practice. [About your teacher: Kaylaa Kayce received her initial RV training in 2016 at the Monroe Institute, completing the Remote Viewing I Workshop, a six-day intensive consciousness exploration program taught by Joseph McMoneagle, a psychic best known for his remote viewing abilities and participation in government-sponsored research on parapsychology. Joe learned remote viewing in the Army – he was Remote Viewer #001 in the Army’s Stargate program.]
Contact Details
Broadview Heights, OH, USA