Virtual Community Gatherings
For Youth
Young Ascended Masters offers group support and spiritual development opportunities for spiritually gifted and intuitive youth in a welcoming and accepting environment with others just like themselves.
[no scheduled meetings at this time]
Tuesday November 8th, 7:00 - 8:30pm EST
$11 per family/session , Ages 13-18
TOPIC: TEENS IDENTIFY 'MOST IMPORTANT THING' w guest speaker GRANT SACHS (former teen member)
Grant Sachs (college senior, Psych major) will assist group in identifying soul purpose, including interactive discussion/Q+A about navigating life as a teenager today.
Tuesday November 15th, 7:00 - 8:30pm EST
$11 per family/session, Ages 8-12
TOPIC: TIP/TRICKS FOR MANAGING OUR ENERGY when around friends/family
It's not easy being a kid today. We'll talk about ways to manage our emotional and physical energy when around friends and family.
To be rescheduled in 2023
$11 per family/session , Ages 8 -18
Mary Rodwell
Regressionist, Counselor, author of THE NEW HUMAN
Interactive discussion and answering questions about our experiences with communicating with spirit guides, angels, supportive Beings. REGISTER EARLY for opportunity to complete Mary's questionnaire on contact experiences.
Hosting virtual community gatherings, Kaylaa Kayce orchestrates a creative and safe space for youth.
Empowering youth to approach their abilities with playful curiosity, Kaylaa invites them to explore a variety of metaphysical topics with the guidance of mentors and the support of peers going through similar physical and non-physical experiences. To assist them in navigating through daily life as a spiritually gifted, sensitive and empathic individual in our hectic world, important topics for discussion range from understanding how their thoughts and beliefs shape their everyday reality to learning various tools and strategies to help maintain a balanced energy field while interacting with others.
There is no need to walk alone any longer.
It’s time to find your tribe!
Our Young Ascended Masters youth program is designed to address the evolving developmental and spiritual needs of a child as they mature into young adulthood.
We currently offer two groups delineated by age: our Children’s Gathering for ages 8-12, and our Teen Gathering for ages 13-18. Many of the children we serve demonstrate a spiritual maturity and depth well beyond their years, yet it is clear that the issues and concerns and life experiences of high school teenagers are vastly different from those even 1-2 years younger.
Equally important to meeting each individual child where they are, it is my foundational and unwavering mission to create community and opportunity for them to experience the love, acceptance, and appreciation of oneself and each other’s unique divinity. Therefore, once a month, when we welcome and feature our guest teacher, both groups are joined together as we create yet another community, uniting in our diversity of both age and experience.
Monthly themes and topics will be the same between the groups, however the delivery, use of time, and methods for engagement will be developmentally appropriate.
Today’s highly-vibrational children certainly possess amazing multidimensional abilities and often express the wisdom of an old soul, however it’s important to remember that they came to this planet to learn how to be human as well. It will be our role as the adults in their lives to teach, guide, and support them as they pass through the various stages of emotional and psychological development that comes with being a human.
Age 12, Mexico
My name is Grey. I am 12 years old, and I live in Mexico.
I have been working with Kaylaa since I was 9 years old.
Two things I like about Kaylaa: first, is that there are no rules. If you don’t want to put on your video (like me) you don’t have to. Another thing is that she always makes it fun, so it never feels like work. It’s also a highlight of my month.
Two things I like about her program are the meditations we have (which I love), and the teachers we have on each month. They have very interesting topics, including crystals, light language, and communicating with animals.
One thing that changed my life was when we had a teacher come on (Cathleena Hailley) and we meditated, and she made our frequency go back to the zero point like when we were born.
Age 17, New Jersey
Before I met Kaylaa I felt uneasy about my future. Being in high school, there are big expectations when it comes to future plans. I first met Kaylaa when I was in 10th grade and people had high expectations for me. I never doubted that I could meet those expectations, but I did doubt if that path was really what I wanted. 
On the night of my first zoom call with Kaylaa, we did a time traveling exercise where we visited our past and future selves. Visiting my past self was an eye-opening experience, but this story has more to do with my future self.
I intended to go very far into the future, but I felt the need while traveling to stop only a few years into the future. I saw myself at the age of eighteen and I had my dream job (I was only 15 at the time). My older self spotted my younger self and we sat down. My younger self could not believe that it was real. My older self kept reassuring me that it would be real as long as I followed the path that was in my heart and put in a lot of hard work. 
I didn’t want to leave my future self, but when I came back to the present I felt so inspired. I stopped worrying about becoming the person people wanted me to be and I started working towards my dream job. I did everything I could to prepare and train, and I have been putting in my best efforts for two years. 
Now, as a high school senior, I am thinking about college. I have decided that I want to study not what other people want me to study, but what I saw my future self doing. It was a scary decision because the path I’m choosing is a very unpredictable one. However, with the help of Kaylaa and my future self, I am choosing to follow the path that I feel I am meant to.  
I am very grateful for everything Kaylaa has taught me. I am especially grateful that she helped me learn to follow my heart, to trust the universe, and to see the bigger picture.
Age 16, Illinois
Kaylaa came into my life at a crucial moment. I was 12 years old facing the chronicles that are middle school. Kaylaa created a safe, fun, and welcoming community of kids my age that I was able to connect with. I was a part of her conscious youth group for 2 years and one of the first kids in the program.
Because of Kaylaa I was able to come into myself as a spiritual person and be more confident in myself. Kaylaa was always just an email away if I needed absolutely anything. She has been, and always will be, a huge factor into who I have become after her impact on me 4 years ago. I am now 16 years old and too busy to join every Young Ascended Masters youth session, but she is always in my heart and I could never forget her.